This past week was another really good week. We had another baptism on saturday. Her name is Alejandra. She is 15 and she is so awesome. A few weeks ago she just showed up at church because a member invited her. That week she went to Mutual, New beginings for yw, and our baptism. She quickly began to love the church. She was pretty shy at first. She wouldnt say yes or no when we asked her to be baptized. But that lesson she said the closing prayer. And she said the most powerful prayer, asking for help with her family, asking for guidence, and asking for her mom to understand that she wants to get baptized. So that said it all. It was a very spiritual lesson. After that we talked to her mom (who we are going to teach next) and she gave her permission. It was a really good baptism on saturday. That was easily the best part of the past week.
Other than that it was a pretty normal week. I did divisions on friday. I actually have been leaving my area once a week this past change to try to help out with my district. I went to an area called the 28 de marzo this week and that was great. The best part was easily thier hot shower. I took one at night and in the morning. You do not understand how amazing hot showers are until you have to live without them for so long. Then you appreciate them.
This next week should be great finishing up in the 30 de julio. Changes are on feb 6. So this will be my last saturday, (chance to baptize) in this area. We will take advantage of it. I love you all so much. Have a great week.
Oh Jordan, he is so cute. Hot showers. We sure take a lot for granted don't we. Sounds like he is really busy going back and forth to the temple. So good, so good. Love reading your blogs. Kim