Saturday, March 16, 2013

Acting on Promptings

                                                                         March 4, 2013

We will begin today with the story of Sofia. A few weeks ago we were walking from lunch where we eat with Hermana Dara (a member) and we said hi to some older women on the side of the street. They said hi and we kept walking, but Elder Lopez with his MTC spirt said we should talk to them. So we went back and met them. They turned out to be Dara´s mother and grandmother, Melba and Sofia. The mother was inactive because Sofia is 88 years old and needs a lot of taking care of. She was a life long catholic so she didnt want to go to our church. But we got to know her and she told us a story of about a year ago when she was in the Hospital and about to die. She said that 3 members of our church (Dara´s husband) went to give her a blessing. When she recieved the blessing she started to feel better and is completly fine now. We helped her realize that that is the priesthood and taught her that she needed to be baptized by that priesthood. She agreed.

The teaching with her was interesting. I cant say that she completly understood every thing that we taught her, but I did notice a change in her. You should have seen the look on her grandaughter Daras face when she went to church for the first time. She was so happy. We have to help her walk and go up stairs and get in the car and everything because it is tough for her but it is possible. On saturday she was baptized. It took 2 people in the baptismal font to support her and keep her down. Her grandson was one of them. It was a special baptism for that family, and the first that we have had here in Danli. So we baptized an 88 year old woman. It was really cool.

But that isnt all. Eliezer, a 19 year old young man also joined Sophia in the baptism on saturday. So we had 2! It has been a great past month here in Danli as you can tell. Yesterday we went to ward council and we explained what our plans were for our side of the ward and told them about some of our investigators. The ward secratary complimented us on the success that we have had and the job we are doing with the invesigators and with the trust of the members. I dont do anything to try to earn the praise of the members, but of course it feels good when they compliment us. It was a really good week. I´ve been a lot more focused in the work over the past month. I know that means that I´ve sent less letters and im sorry, but I just love what i´m doing so much. You should all know that. I will write as soon as I can. Thank you so much for the package from valentines day that I just got. It was perfect. PRAS for life! I love you all so much.

Love Jordan


 I love how this sweet grandmother is holding on the Elder Comstock's arm.  This is what his great grandma Felt and Hart used to do when they were with him. 
 This is Jordan's friend Zack.  He baptized Zach a couple of weeks before their senior year in High School started.  I love the story of Zack.  He was always friend with all the Mormon kids.  And he went to church each week with his stepmom.  Zack was a boy EVERYONE knew.  He was the star of the football team and the basketball team and the baseball team, and he was voted Homecoming King, But more than all that Zack was just a good kid.  A loyal friend, an honest hard working boy.  The picture below is of what the boys called the PRAS.  Purple Ribbon All Stars.  They started this "gang" their sophomore year and they all wore purple bandanas to school in their back pockets everyday.  They all had purple bandanas hanging on their rear view mirror in their cars.  This picture was taken at Zack's baptism.  Back then they answered to Kaden, Zack, Daniel, and Jordan.  Now days they answer to Elder Keller, Elder Hansen, Elder Lemich, and Elder Comstock. 
 The picture below I asked my niece to draw.  It is taken from the picture above and portrays the boys as missionary stripling warriors. 

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